Talk to us about the specific requirements of your business 

Product and method assessment 

An initial meeting to discuss your requirements and the best plan of action for delivery and onsite services is followed by a visit from our operations manager, to get a full understanding of your working practices and core values.


Selection and training

Our operations manager will document all of the required legislation and practical information and work with our HR and Ops team to implement a basic training course with the operatives we select for the account.

Flexibility and monitoring

We train a group of suitable operatives to understand your business and fulfil your requirements on a flexible basis to suit your needs and ensure you never suffer from downtime due to holidays or sickness. We continue to monitor and review performance with you so that all your brand values and requirements are met.

Electronic sign off and photographic documentation

Our systems can be adapted to work with customer specifications and requirements to deliver site supervisor sign off and photographic documentation electonically to the designated contacts.

To arrange a telephone consultation or an appointment to discuss your individual onsite requirements, please call
0800 2 335 446 or

For larger scale business organisations please contact us through Cogent Intelligent Resource for total tailored business solutions with brand integrity.


Could you be a Direct Link Premier Operative?  

Visit our careers section to see what it takes to join our team.